Curriculum Subjects

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Visit to Mr Milligans nursery

Chloe worked on her recount and made some great editing choices after working on it - see photograph, then her second draft.

First draft
Yesterday the year sixes walked down to the milligan nursery, Mr Milligan gave us a tour and we saw and learnt heap about different plants and about their life cycle we picked the worst weather to walk down there.

When we arrived there we saw Mr Milligan weeding some of his plants he walked over to us and took us inside we saw what they done in the greenhouse.20151105_105824.jpg

Second draft
Yesterday the Year Sixes walked
down to the Milligans nursery. Mr
Milligan gave us a tour and we
saw and learnt a lot about different
plants and their life cycle.
Unfortunately we picked the worst
weather to walk down there.

When we arrived at the milligan nursery
Mr Milligan was outside checking his
plants.We walked over near the greenhouse and he took us inside, we asked a couple of questions that interested us and we got to see one of the staff pulling out little plants and planting them again he used a little flat head screwdriver and pushed the plant in between his finger and the screwdriver to protect the roots.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Congratulations to our Peter Blake Young Leader 2015

Well done Abby on being this year's Peter Blake Young Leader, one of just 300 around the country. This was voted for by our very own students throughout the school. Murray from Westpac came to talk about Sir Peter Blake and award Abby with a medal and a prize pack.

Follow this link to find out about about this award and Sir Peter Blake's legacy. 

Thursday, 28 May 2015

Here our Year 7's at Technology in Winton, singing a karakia before tasting their beautiful food - if only we had an audio link too!

Monday, 11 May 2015

National Young Leadership Day

It was a privilege today to accompany Abby, Mia, Bryce and Aaron to this event today in Dunedin. We were inspired by the speakers who pushed home the message about being the best you can be, to better help those around you, about being courageous in trying things, finding your passions and about seeing failure as learning. Powerful stuff - I wish I had a day like this at the age of 12.

Thursday, 30 April 2015

Lucy and Adine's Pantoum poem


Mia's pantoum poem

Lately our class have been writing lots of different types of poems through our ANZAC Literacy contract. We were working on a Pantoum poem, which has a repeating line pattern. Our topic for our poems has been war and the conditions and emotions of certain events. This is my Pantoum poem on being a horse in the mounted rifles. By Mia 

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

My Story. Our Story. Your Story
This is where the photographs from Senior Room Students from last year and this year are having their photographs displayed. Please have a look, we should be able to get a Youtube link to the opening presentation.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Monday, 16 February 2015

We are starting this year with more individual contracts. This will encourage ownership of learning and responsibility. The contracts can be varied to meet needs as will teacher direction. Group reading, writing and maths direct teaching will still take place.